Services Provided
Plan Afric offers services in six key areas. The ranges of activities that can be undertaken
are shown below under each of the main areas.
Institutional and Development Planning
- Analysis of Institutional arrangements in public, private and NGO sector agencies.
- Decentralisation issues.
- Capacity Building strategies for central and local government.
- Options for Institutional change and organisation development.
- Corporate planning for local authorities and other agencies.
Strategic and Physical Planning
National Level
National Physical Plans and spatial interpretation and connection of national strategies
and policies.
- Analysis and formulation of proposals for national planning and development.
- National planning instruments, legislation and institutional arrangements.
- Sector strategies for all types of agencies.
- Social Impact Assessments for large projects.
Regional Planning and Development
- Regional and provincial planning analysis, strategy and plan formulation.
- Inter-regional analysis and policy formulation.
Urban Planning
- Master Plans and Structure plans for Cities and towns.
- Analysis of urbanization issues and management of urban growth and land-use.
- Provision of data and information for decision-making.
- Urban layouts.
- Commercial centre planning and design.
Rural Planning
- Rural Master Plans and District Development Plans.
- Analysis of issues and actors in rural development.
- Co-ordination and integration of sector programmes and projects.
- Base-line surveys and socioeconomic studies.
Layout Planning and Design
Preparation of layouts for all industrial, commercial, residential, institutional and other
uses for all agencies.
- Submission of layouts for approval.
Subdivision and Consolidation of Land
Submission of applications for the subdivision and consolidation of land held under title
for agricultural, residential and industrial purposes, including the processing of permits,
and handling of appeal cases
Environmental Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Audits: rural and urban settings.
- Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA).
- Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA).
- Environmental policy formulation, including Local Agenda 21.
- Environmental monitoring.
- District and local Environmental Action plans (DEAPs and LEAPs).
State of the Environment Reports (SOER).
Local Economic Development
Feasibility studies for local economic projects: private sector, community
organisations and local authorities.
- Planning for local economic activity.
Development of local authority strategies, programmes and initiatives for local
economic development.
- Public/private sector partnerships in local economic development.
- Local economic development research.
Project/Programme Appraisal, Evaluation and Project Management
Project/programme appraisal and evaluation, both sector programmes and
individual projects.
Monitoring and evaluation of performance and output with review
recommendations to improve the project and its context.
Project management: securing land, property, permissions, staff, equipment etc.
Civil Engineering Design & Consultancy
- Civil Engineering Designs for Infrastructure and Superstructures.
- Supervision of Civil Works
- Soil Investigations and Tests
- Engineering Surveying
- Traffic Impact Assessments